We are The European Voice of Directors

About ecoDa

This is ecoDa

We are the European Voice of Board Members. ecoDa is an independent actor and a unique umbrella organization representing the main national institutes of directors in Europe. Our member institutes cover in total about 50,000 individual directors across 21 countries, sitting on the board of companies of all sizes and sectors. All our member institutes are each recognised as the leading institute for directors and governance in their respective country. ecoDa is a member of the Global Network of Directors Institutes (GNDI). http://gndi.org/

Vision & Values


ecoDa contributes to the continued improvement of the good Corporate Governance practices in Europe. We are the Voice of European Directors.


To achieve competitiveness in Europe through better directorship.


ecoDa embraces the following values: professionalism, integrity, collaborative approach, and excellence in good Corporate Governance (CG). 


To serve its member institutes by informing them of legislative initiatives in Corporate Governance, by influencing developments that will impact European board members and businesses in general, and by contributing to the enrichment of board members’ skills.

Organization Chart


Our bylaws are accessible here



Annual Reports

Please find attached our previous annual reports

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