Our member institutes are the voice of directors in their country
Full Members
Full members are institutes of directors which have their registered office either in the EU or in the EFTA.
Full members shall be any national or international association admitted as such which
- has as its purpose to represent any individual or legal person performing a directorship of any kind and under any title within any legal entity or organisation and to promote its skills in the performance of such a mandate;
- is a duly incorporated legal entity under the law and custom of a Member State either of the European Union either of the EFTA (including Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway) and has its registered office in such State;
- has no political affiliation or activity; and is recognised as an appropriate legal not-for-profit entity (when applicable).
Affiliated Members
Affiliated members are either:
- Institutes of directors from countries which are not members of the EU or of the European Economic Area (outside the EU, and from countries in the process of joining the EU)
- Other national associations of directors beside the full member under certain conditions (existence of a full member from the same country, the full member being the only country representative)
- Any comparable professional organisations Academic bodies
- Branches of the British IoD
Candidate Members
Candidate members are young institutes of directors selected by ecoDa that have been given the opportunity to develop themselves in order to join ecoDa as full members within two years.
Our members are the national institutes of board directors across all of Europe.
Institutes of Directors
Individual Board Members
Cross Membership
ecoDa offers the possibility for its member institutes to sign a cross-membership convention. According to this convention and in order to avoid a director paying all the required fees when he/she wishes to join more than one organizations, members of ecoDa, the members institutes agree individually on a mechanism allowing under certain condition reduced fees for all secondary affiliations.