We are The European Voice of Directors


Upcoming ecoDa and IFAC webinar on the Updated Corporate Governance OECD Principles

Upcoming ecoDa and IFAC webinar on the Updated Corporate Governance OECD Principles 1600 900 ECODA

On the 20th of September (from 3.00 to 4.30pm CET), ecoDa and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), will jointly organise a webinar on the revised OECD/G20 Corporate Governance Principles.…

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ecoDa’s Comments on the Draft ESRS1

ecoDa’s Comments on the Draft ESRS1 1920 1080 ECODA

ecoDa took part in the consultation on the Draft ESRS Delegated Act, which ended on July 7th. We expressed approval for the first set of Standards (ESRS), and particularly value…


ecoDa’s position paper on multiple voting rights

ecoDa’s position paper on multiple voting rights 695 434 ECODA


ecoDa advocates the possibility for each Member State to regulate multiple vote share structures

ecoDa advocates the possibility for each Member State to regulate multiple vote share structures 500 421 ECODA


ecoDa’s Response to the IIA Consultation on the Global Internal Audit Standards

ecoDa’s Response to the IIA Consultation on the Global Internal Audit Standards 1200 628 ECODA


ecoDa’s Advocacy Video on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

ecoDa’s Advocacy Video on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive 1272 694 ECODA


Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive 1920 1152 ECODA


Rytis Ambrazevičius new chair of ecoDa

Rytis Ambrazevičius new chair of ecoDa 1381 1033 ECODA


Summary Report of ecoDa/Mazars Second Webinar: The CSRD: the rules, the impacts, and the challenges they raise for companies

Summary Report of ecoDa/Mazars Second Webinar: The CSRD: the rules, the impacts, and the challenges they raise for companies 3840 2160 ECODA


Summary Report of ecoDa/Mazars First Webinar: The CSRD: the rules, the impacts, and the challenges they raise for companies

Summary Report of ecoDa/Mazars First Webinar: The CSRD: the rules, the impacts, and the challenges they raise for companies 1920 1080 ECODA


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