Deforestation Regulation: What’s at stake for board members?
Deforestation Regulation: What’s at stake for board members? 6912 3456 ECODA do Corporate Governance frameworks influence the quality of corporate reporting in Europe?
How do Corporate Governance frameworks influence the quality of corporate reporting in Europe? 6912 3456 ECODA Release: Cyber Security Risk Handbook
New Release: Cyber Security Risk Handbook’écran-2024-09-26-180026.png 971 698 ECODA’écran-2024-09-26-180026.pngecoDa and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) have adapted their Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook initially issued in 2020. An update was required to reflect the current state of cybersecurity and cybersecurity…
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: How to make it happen?
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: How to make it happen? 892 504 ECODA published a summary of its webinar with Allen & Overy Shearman on the upcoming challenges of the CS3D. A recording of the webinar is available on our Youtube channel.
New reporting requirements on Digital issues: What impacts for the auditor’s selection?
New reporting requirements on Digital issues: What impacts for the auditor’s selection? 1280 640 ECODA published a summary of its webinar with Forvis Mazars on the impact of new reporting requirements on auditors. A recording of the webinar is available on our Youtube channel.
New reporting requirements on ESG information: What impacts for the auditor’s selection?
New reporting requirements on ESG information: What impacts for the auditor’s selection? 1280 640 ECODA published a summary of its webinar with Forvis Mazars on the impact of new reporting requirements on auditors. A recording of the webinar is available on our YouTube channel.
Board Performance Evaluation Guideline – GNDI
Board Performance Evaluation Guideline – GNDI 1229 1015 ECODA purpose of this guideline is to provide a global view of common practices related to board performance evaluation and key considerations to ensure a valuable evaluation is undertaken.