We are The European Voice of Directors

Financial sector

Response of Nedcommunity Implementing the final Basel III December 2019

Response of Nedcommunity Implementing the final Basel III December 2019 150 150 ECODA


ecoDa’s response to Fitness check on the EU framework for public reporting by companies

ecoDa’s response to Fitness check on the EU framework for public reporting by companies 150 150 ECODA

9 min


ecoDa’s response to EBA consultation on its revised Guidelines on internal governance

ecoDa’s response to EBA consultation on its revised Guidelines on internal governance 150 150 ECODA


ecoDa’s response to EBA/ESMA consultation

ecoDa’s response to EBA/ESMA consultation 150 150 ECODA


ecoDa’s response to the Call for evidence: EU regulatory framework for financial services

ecoDa’s response to the Call for evidence: EU regulatory framework for financial services 150 150 ECODA


Response to the EBA Consultation on CG for Financial Institutions

Response to the EBA Consultation on CG for Financial Institutions 150 150 ECODA

In 2012, the European Banking Authority wanted to offer guidance on the assessment that persons who effectively direct a financial institution are of sufficient good repute, have sufficient knowledge, skills…


Response to the EU Green Paper on CG in Financial Institutions and Remuneration Policies

Response to the EU Green Paper on CG in Financial Institutions and Remuneration Policies 150 150 ECODA


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