We are The European Voice of Directors

Policy Updates

Towards EU due diligence rules that work for all – Joint trade association statement

Towards EU due diligence rules that work for all – Joint trade association statement 900 506 ECODA

ecoDa joins BusinessEurope and joint trade associations in a statement calling the Commission for a clarification of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive implementation and a timely delivery of its…


ecoDa’s response to the consultation on draft CEAOB non-binding guidelines on limited assurance on sustainability reporting

ecoDa’s response to the consultation on draft CEAOB non-binding guidelines on limited assurance on sustainability reporting 1200 628 ECODA

ecoDa’s response to the consultation on draft CEAOB non-binding guidelines on limited assurance on sustainability reporting.


ecoDa’s letter to the OECD Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division

ecoDa’s letter to the OECD Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division 150 150 ECODA

ecoDa’s reaction to the updated Methodology for assessing the implementation of the revised G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance


ecoDa Manifesto 2024

ecoDa Manifesto 2024 912 575 ECODA

ecoDa is issuing its 2024 Manifesto ahead of the next EU legislative elections and the next EC mandate.


ecoDa’s letter to the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

ecoDa’s letter to the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board 4000 3031 ECODA

ecoDa’s reaction to the three draft EFRAG ESRS IG documents (EFRAG IG 1 to 3)


ecoDa Position Statement on boards’ evaluation and rotation of the external facilitators

ecoDa Position Statement on boards’ evaluation and rotation of the external facilitators 1920 1080 ECODA

ecoDa Position Statement on boards’ evaluation and rotation of the external facilitators


ecoDa’s response to the European Commission’s call for feedback – European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

ecoDa’s response to the European Commission’s call for feedback – European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) 4110 2642 ECODA

ecoDa’s response to the European Commission’s call for feedback on the Decision to postpone the adoption of the sector-specific European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)


ESG rating activities – ecoDa’s opinion on the Draft Regulation

ESG rating activities – ecoDa’s opinion on the Draft Regulation 1550 872 ECODA


ecoDa’s response to the OECD consultation on CG for SOEs

ecoDa’s response to the OECD consultation on CG for SOEs 1000 667 ECODA

ecoDa took part in the consultation on the review of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. The consultation ended on 11 September. See the above link for…


ecoDa’s response to ISSB consultation on agenda priorities

ecoDa’s response to ISSB consultation on agenda priorities 1920 1080 ECODA

On July 17 ecoDa and its working group on audit committees submitted ecoDa’s response to the ISSB’s consultation request on agenda priorities. ecoDa’s e response addresses several key areas of…


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